Thursday, February 17, 2011

Staying in

Hard to stay in with the weather we have been having, but this pretty much captures him when he is inside...
 T1i, 50mm f1.4 lens...pic: 1/200, ISO6400 (yea, I know, its a ton of grain), f5 (should have been 2-3 instead cause I might have been able to get to a ISO1800 if I had)...
He is standing on the metal weight bench with his mouth on the metal bar (and his foot dangling off of course) watching Yo Gabba Gabba on the ipad...facing with his back to the window so that I have to literally blow the entire background to get the picture...this is also the furthest away from him I've ever been while we was standing on the weight bench:)

1 comment:

  1. I think the goose is gonna be on my side when it comes to working out ;) ;)
