Saturday, February 26, 2011

Smash cake fail

Today was smash cake day, but it wasnt quite as great as I had hoped...

first problem was that one of the strobe lights was only working at 1/4 power (I need a new strobe) there was a shadow that shouldn't have been there...I can edit it out in photoshop, but that takes a while...

second problem was that we had major grump today...not a happy boy makes pictures harder...

third problem was that he didn't want the cake...with two working strobes, I can follow him around better, but with one, the shadows get worse fast...

So, we put him down, he touched the cake (getting frosting all over his hands) and then went over to the blinds and started "decorating" them with frosting...we tried a number of times to get him to eat the cake, but the only way e would do it was in the high chair - and even then, he wasn't really eating it...

Think I am going to get the strobe light fixed, and then try again with a different cake and do it earlier in the day when he is in a better mood...there was an applesauce (healthy) cake that he had a while ago that he loved so I think I'll actually make that for him...

EVen with all the problems, we still got a few cute shots...he was much more entertained by the ballons than he was the cake:)  All were taken with the strobe at f6.3, 1/200, ISO200

1 comment:

  1. awww these are cute Tonya. I like the first one a lot! :)
