Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Off topic today cause the assignment wasnt even a picture taken by me...I meant to take the pic at this amazing nature park where we got to meet cows and roosters up close...a great place to take pictures also - but, I forgot the camera card...argh!

so, this is a Singamajig...we got them for Kaiden's party, and they are incredibly cool and entertaining:)
T1i, 24-70mm f2.8L lens...ISO6400, 1/200, was pretty late at night, and I didn't want to use flash, so, I'm showing off how much grain you can get without noise reduction at such a high ISO...


  1. Seriously...I thought these things were creapy the first time I saw them...but they seem to be everywhere now, and they are growing on me. :)

  2. I also thought they were extremely creepy when I saw my nephew's at Christmas, but after buying one and seeing it entertain my screaming infant, I love it!! I have a picture of Tyler's on my blog.
