Saturday, February 12, 2011


This was yesterday's assignment...dreams.

When I was little, I lived in a townhouse and loved going up and down the stairs.  At around three, I had a dream that I could fly - and that the only way to fly was to jump off the top step of the stairs.  It took me quite a bit of time to gear up the courage (stupidity?) to jump off the top step, and when I did, I very quickly (and painfully) realized that I could not fly.  Nonetheless, whenever I think of dreams, this is what I fact, it is the only dream I remember from early childhood.

So, in honor of is flying:)
T1i and 24-70mm f2.8L lens...picture: ...ISO100, 1/400 shutter speed, f5...

I took the pic this afternoon at the lake while we were feeding the birds...can I just say, it is REALLY hard to focus on a bird that is flying...and impossible to pose them...LOL...I put f-stop at 5 so I'd have a bit more wiggle room for the blurr, I think next time, I'd do f10 or so and ISO400...cause it is a faster speed, which I shoulda done anyway but I was blowing out my pictures and needed less light in...shoulda, woulda, coulda...NEXT TIME!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep no question birds are hard - not very big and usually you're at a pretty good distance, and they have a nasty tendency to be moving pretty quickly. From a forum I've been frequenting, basically the best shots come from long prime lenses, combining reach with a fast maximum aperature. That said, daylight definitely helps keep the shutter speed high enough to you don't get as much blur (depends on angle of motion relative to you). I've been trying not to worry about ISO as much as I normally do and just shoot with as fast a shutter as I can.
