Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gift from the heart

Today's theme is gift from the heart...basically your best gift ever...my husband is an incredible gift giver and I've gotten some wonderful "things"...but, the best gift he's ever given me - I know, you totally didn't see it coming:) - is our little guy...who is 11 months old TODAY!! 

We had a wonderful day today, and I think this candid just captures him:) 
T1i (gift from my husband) and 24-70mm f2.8L lens (gift from my husband:))...picture was taken at 4pm and it was pretty dark in the house so I bumped the ISO to 1800, shutter 1/100, f2.8...my white balance was white fluorescent...and no flash, the light in his eyes are from a side window...I did B&W cause the coloring just wasnt as pretty as natural light (next to a window or outside), and I've gotten a bit spoiled with some beautiful pics lately:)  I also ran it through noiseware cause we definitely had some grain going on...