Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Driving around...

Not doing to workshop today...it was kisses, and you can only do so much to get a baby and a cat with claws to hug before you decide that it is a very bad idea...I might show you the result later, but you should just take my word on it!

Anyway, today was an absolutely wonderful day, I wish I could have it happen every day...
He slept 10 hours, woke ate/diaper change and back down for 2 hours, had playgroup, he fell asleep coming home and went right into his crib for a 2 hour nap, then he ate (well), we played for an hour, and then off to the park and strawberries, done with the park, came home, he fell asleep for 30 minutes, we cooked dinner, ate, shower, play for 30 minutes, and sleep...so so nice!  I LOVE this weather and being outside so much!!

So, this is the pic of the day since the kitty pic just turned out all sorts of bad in many ways...the boy is growing up so fast!

T1i, 50mm f1.4 - pic: 1/250, ISO400, f2...
Am trying a bit different on the editting, am not sure now I like it...I keep seeing great pics and being inspired, but I'm not quite sure this is it...

1 comment:

  1. So adorable! I hope you have another great day today! He's getting so big!
