Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter egg hunt!

The little guy completely wears me out every day, so, I havent been able to take pictures like I had been...
but it is so fun to be able to do more and more things with him as he gets older and more aware...

Today, we did an easter egg hunt, they let the 2 and under crowd have a head start on the older kids, and K went right for the eggs (but he had no basket), since he has two hands, he got two eggs, and was very happy with them...luckily, he still doesn't "get" candy, and was completely happy with just one tiny piece of chocolate, and we gave the rest away to a very happy 3 year old:)

T1i, 50mm f1.4...pic: ISO200, 1/200, f2.5...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Strawberry success!

Because we are going to the strawberry patch tomorrow and little guy hasnt had strawberries very often, we decided to see if he liked them today - oh my!!  Strawberry success!!
T1i, 24-70mm f2.8L...pic: ISO200, f2.8, 1/160...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Give me food!

For the last month, a small bird has lived in our newspaper box that is right next to our mailbox and set up a nest there...about three days ago, her eggs hatched, and now we have four little baby birds in cool!  Now, every time we open the mailbox, they open their mouth for food, they are very very hungry!!

T1i, 24-70mm f2.8L...1/160, f2.8, ISO800 (it was very shaded in the mailbox so I really had to ramp everything up to get a picture)...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Carting along...

Sometimes days are long and exhausting, specially when the little guy doesn't nap much...
So, we do things that most people would think are absolutely crazy - like go to the grocery store and push around a cart for an hour...and today, we did just that:)
T1i, 24-70mm f2.8L...pic: 1/400, ISO200, f2.8...I could have taken more time with this pic, but we were outside and I was a bit more concerned about him rolling the cart off the sidewalk and into oncoming traffic - how's that for a good excuse for a non-perfect picture:)

One thing I can say about this child is that he really makes people smile...